From Pencil to Printed Page: Arthur Geisert’s Thunderstorm

From Pencil to Printed Page: Arthur Geisert’s Thunderstorm
From Pencil to Printed Page will give Figge visitors a unique opportunity to examine this master printer and storyteller’s process from initial pencil sketches through three stages of printing states to the final, painstakingly hand-colored illustrations immortalized in Geisert’s 2013 picture book Thunderstorm. When laid end-to-end, the illustrations complete a breathtaking 415 inch long panorama detailing the effects of a passing thunderstorm on a typical farm community one summer’s afternoon. Over 180 sketches, plates, print states and hand-colored illustrations will be accompanied by an assemblage of artist’s tools, a printing press along with fun and exciting children’s activities.
The New York Times Book Review has said of Geisert’s Thunderstorm: “The artist’s trademark copperplate etchings, tinged with watercolors, lend a timeless feel to his slice-of-life illustrations, which show how a farm family and various animals weather the storm…. Cutaways reveal where foxes have burrowed for shelter, and offer a glimpse into the farmhouse kitchen, where the family warily eyes the leaking ceiling. Geisert allows the storm to do real damage, but he also shows the community getting to work once the skies clear, determined to set things right.”
This exhibition will be on view June 14, 2014 through September 14, 2014.
Arthur Geisert, Untitled (1:40 PM), 2012, etching: ink and watercolor on paper, © 2013 Arthur Geisert; courtesy of the artist.